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Library Resources for Faculty

Finding Films in Kanopy

Films on Kanopy can be found in the following ways:

  1. Browsing by subject
    Use the "Browse Subjects" dropdown feature at the top of the website to navigate to find films on particular topics.
  2. Searching for keywords
    Use the search box to search for a topic, film title, filmmaker, or person.

To find a film, enter the term you are looking for in the search box and press Enter on your keyboard or the search button. The most relevant titles will be displayed. You can then use the search filters on the left to filter and narrow your search down to select criteria (such as subject, supplier, year of production, language, etc).

Some tips for searching

Here are some tips for using the search tool to your advantage:

Looking for an exact film title or phrase
Enter your search term in quotation marks to ensure you look for the exact phrase

Example: "Killing Us Softly" will bring up the exact film or "group theory" will bring up films that must have the phrase "group theory".

Looking for two terms
Include the Boolean term "and" between search terms to ensure you get results that must contain both words, not just either word.

Example: searching for "American AND politics" searches for films that must contain both words, not either word)

Excluding results:
Include the boolean term "not" to exclude certain words in your results.

Example: searching for "environment NOT learning" searches for films that contain the word environment but not the word learning.

Wildcard searches:
Include a wildcard "*" on a search term to search for a base character pattern that forms the base of multiple related words that you are looking for. 

Example: searching for "politic*" will search for anything containing the words politic, politics, political, etc or "wom*n" will search for both women and woman.

Embedding Films in Kanopy

You can easily share or embed any Kanopy film (or clip or playlist you create) through the sharing tools below the film. Embedding a film allows you to place the whole video player into another website (your library website, your course management system, your blog, etc) so that the film appears and can be watched there as opposed to having to click on a separate link to the film.

If you wish to share the link to a film, you can find more information on how to do this here.

To embed a film:

  1. Click the "Share" button that appears below the video player and select the Embed tab.
  2. Copy the HTML code that appears in the box and paste it into your LMS HTML editor or website code.
  1. embed_1.png

If you are embedding a playlist and would like to begin at a specific clip, you can force the video to start at this clip by adding "&pos=#" at the end of the URL in the embed code. Replace the # with the position number of the clip within the playlist. For example, if you want the embedded playlist to begin at the second clip, the URL in the HTML code will look similar to this: ""

Unlike public streaming websites (such as YouTube) your Kanopy website access is controlled to ensure only users of your institution can access it. These access controls also apply to embedded films. For example, if you embed a film, off-campus users will be prompted to log in with their My Northshore username and password in order to load the film.

Sharing Films and Playlist in Kanopy

Below every video on the Kanopy website, you will see a button which says "Share/Embed." Clicking on this button will display three options for sharing and embedding films:

  1. The direct link to the film that you can send as a URL to anyone associated with North Shore Community College 
  2. Social media options to share via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  3. The embed link which you can copy and paste into a website or Blackboard post so that the film appears and can be watched there (as opposed to providing a link to open up a separate webpage). 

All sharing and embedding options are also available below any clip or playlist you create as well.

If you are linking to a playlist and would like to begin at a specific clip, you can force the video to start at this clip by adding "&pos=#" at the end of the sharing link. Replace the # with the position number of the clip within the playlist. For example, if you want the video to begin at the second clip, the URL in the HTML code will look similar to this: "

Creating Clips and Playlists in Kanopy

A clip is a shortened excerpt, or cut, of a video. Academics or librarians will often create clips to show in class or share with users when a particular section of the video is of interest. Students also find the clip-making tool useful. 

A "playlist" is a set of different clips or films that are curated and collated together into a single URL with the intention of being viewed together. For example, academics can create mandatory or suggested viewing playlists for their students, or a student or library user can create a playlist of their favorite videos for future reference.

You can create clips and playlists for any film on Kanopy, to which you can also provide annotations, titles, etc. Essentially, this tool helps students, faculty and other users to better prepare films for class or other use.

When a clip or playlist is created, it has a unique URL and can be made public or kept private. The URL can be shared with others via email or otherwise, and there is a unique embed code for it as well. All clips and playlists will be saved on the platform for you under your profile, so that it is not lost and you can always revisit it (unless you manually delete the clip/playlist).  

To create a clip/playlist:

  1. Find the video that you want to create your first clip from. You can access the Playlist and Clip Creation Tool from any video on your institution’s Video Portal by clicking the "Create Clip/Playlist" button under the video player.
  2. If you are not already signed in, the website will prompt you to log into your account so you can begin creating and managing your playlists. You can sign in with your social media account, your existing video portal account, or you can create a new account.
  3. Once you signed in to your account, click on "Create Clip/Playlist" again and an option to create a new playlist will appear. Type in the name of your new playlist and click "Create." This will automatically add the current video to your playlist.
  4. If you are adding to an existing playlist, click "Add Video" to add the video on this current video page to your playlist. You will see the number of clips change when adding the video.
  5. Click on "Edit Playlist" to trim down the whole video into the clip that you want.
  6. You can now edit the playlist title if you want to change it. Click "Save Changes" before navigating away from the page to ensure the new title is saved. To trim down the whole video into a clip, click "Edit."
  7. To select the clip that you want in your playlist, you can either:
    - Click the player to start the film. When you want your clip to start, click "Capture" next to "Start Time". Then click "Capture" next to "Stop Time" when you want the clip to end.
    - Enter in the timecodes manually.

    Once you are happy with your clip, click "Save Clip"
  8. If you require more clips to be added to your playlist, click on "+ Click here to add a new clip".
  9. Search for the title of the next video that you wish to add a clip for.
  10. If you wish to trim down the second video into a clip, follow steps 6-7 again.
  11. Once you are happy with your overall playlist, you can view your playlist by clicking on the "My Playlists" tab on your Dashboard. Click on your playlist name to view it.

Connecting Kanopy to Your Device

You can watch films on Kanopy using many different devices. Kanopy has apps for iOS and Android as well as Smart TVs and streaming devices. You can find instructions here to connect to your device.

Remember, you will log into your Kanopy account with your MyNorthshore username and password.