Please type a paragraph or two about what you learned from each video. What was your reaction to these videos? What new terms did you learn?
“Learn about COPD” from National Jewish Health
Understanding Asthma (Asthma #1) from Illumistream
Cystic Fibrosis A 10 minute documentary, by J. L. Harvey
“Current TV presents Dying Young”, by Cystic Fibrosis USA
“Awake Endotracheal Intubation”, by Dr. Michael Bailin, MD, MGH - shows an anesthesiologist intubating himself
Lesson 5 - Direct Laryngoscopy: MICU Fellows Airway Course
Lesson 6 - Glidescope® or its Cousins: MICU Fellows Airway Course
Taylor's Video Guide to Clinical Nursing Skills is a series of 19 streaming video modules that demonstrate and reinforce basic nursing procedures.
Access to Taylor's Video Guide to Clinical Nursing Skills is available through MyNorthshore
Searching for taylor or nursing in the search box will get you to the task
It also lives under the Category Academics & Learning
Taylor's is a flash based system - so you will have to install or enable the plugin for the browser
Click on the triangle to the left of the module name to open and play content
Digital recordings of respiratory sounds in health and disease. These are breath sounds that doctors, nurses, respiratory and physical therapists hear with a stethoscope when they auscultate the chest of a patient.
Listen to three different breath sounds on this site sponsored by UCLA.
More breath sounds from Loyola University.