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Anti-Racism Resources


Welcome to the NSCC Library's Anti-Racism Resource page!

The purpose of this guide is to provide a centralized location for resources and information to start exploring issues of oppression, privilege, and allyship.  This guide is meant to support and extend conversations happening on our campuses and in our communities and to facilitate organization and action. By covering a wide range of issues, we  hope to provide a resource for people with all levels of prior knowledge and involvement in anti-oppression and allyship work.  

This guide's is not intended to be a final word on these issues but rather a starting point for conversation and action. The purpose is to not make value judgments or to tell people what and how to think. Rather this guide can provide our community with information and tools to foster an understanding of the historical, sociological, and societal issues behind what is happening in our country today. 

We aim to advance and center the voices, work, and scholarship of individuals and organizations that have been oppressed and silenced. We recognize and will actively counter the inherent bias that is present in existing systems of scholarship and publishing.

In this guide you will find information and tools that support:

  • Recognizing systems of racism and oppression
  • Creating change in our communities. 
  • Tools for allies to identify their role and privilege in systems of white supremacy and to help break cycles of oppression. 
  • Tools for people of color to heal from the trauma of racism

NSCC Library's Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

The Library values the diversities among the NSCC community and cultivates an environment of respect and inclusion that serves the needs of all of our students, faculty, and staff. As campus collaborators in fostering an inclusive culture of educational excellence and innovation, Library staff curate collections that represent diverse viewpoints, steward spaces that support varied learning needs, and provide services that respect the individuality of all users.