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MEH105 Intro to Mental Health Work - Ciaramella: Start Here

North Shore Community College Library and online resources for multicultural mental health treatment research assignment.

Resources - Catalog

Find books, ebooks, DVDs and streaming videos available through the NSCC Libraries and our partner libraries in HELM.


Below are links to some of our many databases with psychology content including newspaper, magazine and scholarly journal articles. If you cannot find what you need, please ask a librarian.

Services - Request An Article

Did you find an article source you would like to use for your research, but it is not available full-text in one of the Library’s research databases or in our print journal collection?

You may request the article be sent to you via our InterLibrary Loan Service.

How to submit a request:

1. Check to make sure the article is not available at NSCC. Search the journal article title to see if it is available in print or electronically at the NSCC Libraries. 

2. If the journal is not available at the NSCC Libraries, fill out the InterLibrary Loan Article Request form.

Services - Request A Book

Did you find a book source you would like to use for your research, but it is not available in the NOBLE network of libraries?

You may request the book be sent to you via our InterLibrary Loan Service.

How to submit a request:

1. Check to make sure the book is not available within the NOBLE libraries. Search all NOBLE libraries.

If you locate the book, click on the  button and follow the online instructions to request the material. Note: Material may take up to a week to arrive.

2. If the book is only available outside the NOBLE library system, fill out the InterLibrary Loan Book Request form.

Skills - Bibliographic Mining

Mine Bibliographies

Look at the bibliography (the list of references) at the end of the source. This is a great, quick way to add additional revelant, authoritative sources to your paper.