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CMP102H - Composition 2 Honors - Magnolia: Applied Fields

Technical Writing

Engineering: profession devoted to designing, constructing, and operating the structures, machines, and other devices of industry and everyday life.  "engineering." The Columbia Encyclopedia, Paul Lagasse, and Columbia University, Columbia University Press, 8th edition, 2018. Credo Reference, Accessed 21 Jan. 2020.

Graphic Design: The art and profession of selecting and arranging visual elements—such as typography, images, symbols, and colors—to convey a message to an audience. Sometimes graphic design is called “visual communications.” It is a collaborative discipline: writers produce words and photographers and illustrators create images that the designer incorporates into a complete visual message.  "graphic design." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica Digital Learning, 2017. Credo Reference, Accessed 21 Jan. 2020.

