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CMP102 - Composition 2 - Taylor: Need help with citations?

MLA Tutorials

These tutorials may provide additional help:

MLA Templates

Writing Help

Visit the Tutoring Center for help with your papers.

Location: DS105

eTutoring is also available, To Access:

  • Login to My Nothshore
  • Click the my courses tab. Under Angel is the gray eTutoring login box. 
  • Click on eTutoring. Put your username in twice, read the terms of use and hit accept. 
  • You should now be on the home page. Check the schedule and join a tutor or submit a paper for review. 

MLA Style Guides

The NSCC Libraries own these style guides in print that can be used in the Library. Ask a Librarian if you need help locating them.

Recommended MLA Websites

Need Help with Citations?

Librarians are available for help! Come and see us in the library or make an appointment!


The Library subscribes to RefWorks.  RefWorks is a management tool to help you import, organize, create bibliographies and export references (or citations).  To learn how to create an account and use Refworks to help with citations visit our Cite Research page.

When using RefWorks make sure you select ASA 5th edition. You may have to type it in the "Search for styles..." box. 


Literature Databases

Recommended Literature Database How it works with Refworks

Literary Reference Center

Contains literary criticism in the form of scholarly journal articles from literature journals, books with literary essays, and also reference sources that contain brief analysis.

Publications included are: reference books, literary journals and magazines. Search for secondary analysis of a work (criticism) and author biographies.

Click on  to "direct export to RefWorks


Literature Resource Center

Contains reference books, literary journals and magazines. Use if you want outside critique on a work, a work overview (some summary and analysis), or biographical information on an author.


Click on  then export to Refworks.


Contains literary criticism in the form of scholarly articles from literature journals. Use this database if you are looking for scholarly articles on a literature topic. Use advanced search for best results. 

Click , then select "Export to Refworks"
Information about Citing additional databases, can be found on our "Cite Reseach" page