Tutorials, videos, and help pages for Powerpoint 2013. Learn how to create a Powerpoint, apply themes, create notes, setup transitions and sounds, and much more with these resources provided by Microsoft.
Glogster is an established digital learning platform comprising of GlogpediaTM digital library and the Glog® creation interface. Providing users with an inspiring collection of top-quality content created by learners and educators worldwide and a tool for it's creation and sharing, Glogster encourages interactive, collaborative education and pushes the limits of global learning standards.
Prezi "Create and present beautiful presentations with Prezi for iPad. Get started by choosing one of our stunning templates then add your text and images. Pinch to zoom on topics, retouch your prezis and adjust your presentations on the move."
You have access to Google Presentations in your Gmail account. To access it, log into Pipeline and click on "Docs" in the top right corner.
Screencast-o-matic One-click screen capture recording on Windows or Mac computers with no install for FREE!