Getting Started with the Library
This guide is intended as a starting point in accessing Library Resources and getting started with research. All of the information here is also available on the NSCC Library Website, so be sure to visit us at
The aim of this guide is to:
Databases and Journal Articles:
Databases are collections of data organized into tables, and in the case of Library Databases, they're collections of records for journal articles, books, encyclopedias and various other types of media. In fact, our databases are the best way to find journal articles.
If you're unsure of where to start, using the Snap!Search tool (located on the Library's home page) is a good choice. Search using your keywords and concepts to find relevant journal articles.
Believe it or not, books still have a place in research. Print (and digital) books tend to cover a particular topic or subject area in more depth than a single article and are good if you need an overview or summary of a topic. They can also be useful in providing historical or biographical information.
Think you need to read the entire book? Think again. Many times, different aspect of a topic are covered on a chapter-by-chapter or article basis, so use the table of contents or index to help you find what you're looking for.
Tip: Use the Library Catalog or Snap!Search to find print and digital books.
The Library provides access to some excellent Media Resources. Use Films on Demand to access entire episodes or video segments from BBC, CBC, PBS, and many others. Or use Swank to access our selection of popular and assigned videos. Don't forget our hard copy collection of DVDs available in the library.
Use these keywords or concepts to begin your research!