CC by Ian Muttoo
Information is currently available from an overwhelming number of sources and in a huge number of formats, such as printed text, media, scholarly databases, websites, blogs, tweets, and more. As a student, you will need to be able to choose the best source for what you need to know, whether you need a thorough analysis of a subject, a concise description, statistics, up-to-the-minute data, etc..
The Information Literacy tutorial examines various aspects of research and scholarship. Divided into 4 sections, the tutorial helps students develop critical thinking skills related to academic discourse, research, and the ethical use of information.
The sections include: (1) Information and scholarship, (2) Understanding and defining your topic, (3) Organizing and evaluating information, and (4) Searching and exploring.
Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning ("Framework for Information Literacy").
The general aim of this tutorial is to help students become successful participants in our information-rich society, and improve their academic skills.
There are 4 parts to this tutorial. Each part can be accessed using the tabs above. The tutorial consists of:
For each part of the tutorial, there will be a series of readings, videos, and quizzes to help you participate responsibly and successfully in our information-rich society.
In order to complete the required exercises, you will need an NSCC student ID. Many of the databases you use will ask you to enter the series of numbers that appear under the barcode on your student ID.
To activate your student ID stop by the Information Desk at the Danvers or Lynn Campus Libraries and show your NSCC student ID card.
Your password is your birthdate (mmddyyyy).
Or, if you are taking a Distance Learning course, email us at with the following information: your name, address, phone number, program of study or title of course. We will send your library card number via email, and send the actual library card through the mail.