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Sustainability and the Environment: Resources for Everyone

Environmental Apps

These free apps allow you to interact with environmental issues.

 PaperKarma - PaperKarma is the easiest way to cut your paper waste — by taking photos! Simply pull out your phone and snap photos of the offending mail. PaperKarma will figure out what it is and how to stop it. 

 iRecycle is the premiere application for finding local, convenient recycling opportunities when you are on the go or at home

 GreenCalc - Helps you calculate carbon emmisions for energy usage at home and for travel.

 FootprintUSA - Design and simulate the future! How will you deal with climate change, feeding a growing population, and diminishing resources?

 Farmstand connects you with locally grown food. We’ve started with easy ways to discover and share the best of your local farmers’ market. Find markets in your area, share photos, post deals you’ve found, and help support your local community by telling everyone what’s great at your farmers’ market.

 Eatlocal - Eating local is better for you and the environment. Find out what produce is in season for your state this month. Or explore others states and months.

 CarbonGobbler lets you monitor your carbon footprint, helps you with comparison of your energy use at intricate points and national averages (in the USA) of consumption in a home or office, providing users with pointers on how to potentially reduce energy consumption, and save money.

 Greenyou - Calculate your carbon footprint on the planet by providing some basic info about Transportation, Housing, Food, Goods and services. Then create your own Green plan by selecting key actions and see how much positive impact you can have on the environment. Track your progress over time.

 What's On My Food? is your decoder ring for the chemicals on your food. This tool helps savvy shoppers sort green-washing and scare-mongering from differences that make a difference