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EGS102 Introduction to Engineering - Steigerwald

Inventors and Inventions

What is IEEE Style?

The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional organization supporting many branches of engineering, computer science, and information technology. IEEE publishes journals, magazines, and conference proceedings. IEEE has a unique citation and reference style which is used a the standard for citation and references in engineering disciplines. 

IEEE In-Text Citation Basics

  • IEEE uses a bracket and numbering system for creating references. 
  • When referencing a source in a paper, instead of using the author's last name, a page number, or the date, assign the source a number and put that number in square brackets at the end of the quote or paraphrase. For example, [1]. 
  • The first source you reference will be assigned [1], the second source will be assigned [2], and so on.
  • Once a source has been assigned a number that is the number you use whenever you cite that source in your paper. 
  • If you are citing more than one source at a time, put all the sources in individual brackets and put them in numerical order, separated by a comma. For example: [2], [4], [7]. 
  • Place the bracketed number within the line of text before any punctuation or quotation marks. Either at the end of the quote or paraphrase or after an indicator phrase.

In-Text Citation Examples 

"This theory was first put forth in 1987 [1]."

Scholtz [2] has argued that..."

Several recent studies [3], [5], [7] have suggested this conclusion.

The Reference List

  • The reference list appears at the end of your paper, on its own page, and the page is numbered.
  • Title the page References (in bold) and can be either centered or justified to the left of the page. 
  • References are listed in the order the appear in the paper. 
  • The reference number should be in brackets at the left of the page and is then idented. 
  • Each reference is single spaced if more they run onto more than one line.
  • References are double-spaced from each other. 
  • Authors are listed by their initials followed by last name.
  • List up to 6 authors. If more than 6 authors, list the primary author followed by et al. (italicized)
  • The title of a book or a journal is in italics.
  • The title of an article is listed in quotation marks.