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Test Prep and Study Guide Resources



Study Smart

Put yourself on the road to test success by having a strong study plan!

  • Start by organizing your materials: keeping your notes, flashcards, and outlines organized will help you stay on track. You can organize material chronologically, by topic. or by difficulty. 
  • Study everyday: Don't try and cram right before a test. Set aside time everyday to review. Some days you may be able to schedule an hour or two for uninterrupted study but even on busy days finding 15 minutes to review will help you stay on track. 
  • Use a variety of study methods: create summaries and outlines of the material, make or use online flashcards, try practice exams (if available), think about what questions are likely to be on the test and make sure you can answer them fully!
  • Work with others: Find a study buddy or study group that can share materials. Use online tools like Zoom or Google Meet to have a virtual study session. Create a shared Google folder where you can share materials. 

Test like a Pro

In the days leading up to the test

  • Eat well: Fuel your body to fuel your mind
  • Exercise: Moving your body regularly will help keep your mind sharp and focused
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can lead to brain fog and headaches!
  • Do something you enjoy every day: Make sure to take a few minutes for yourself! You’re probably balancing a lot: school, studying, working, caring for family. If possible, find a few minutes every day to do something that is relaxing you for. Even if it is only 10 minutes it will help reduce your stress and keep you focused.


The day before the test

  • One last pass: Write out the key points you want to remember and go through your flashcards one more time
  • Set a time to stop studying: If you’ve been following your study plan, cramming the night before won’t help! Set aside some time to study during the day and when that time is up and let you mind rest.
  • Eat well: Have a balanced meal and drink lots of water so your body will be ready for test day!
  • Prepare what you need for test day: If you need and are allowed make sure to bring extra pencils, a calculator, notes, and scrap paper. If allowed, pack a snack and a water bottle. If you need an ID make sure you have the required type. Set this up the night before so you don't have to worry about forgetting in the morning. 
  • Get a good night’s sleep!

On test day

  • Eat a small breakfast: Eat a small empty breakfast. It will be hard to focus if you are hungry. Avoid anything that might upset your stomach.
  • Wear comfortable clothes: You don’t want your clothes to distract you; wearing something comfortable will let you focus on the test.
  • Arrive early: Know the time and location of your exam. Arriving early will give you time to settle in and feel comfortable in the testing environment.

While testing

If possible:

  • Look over the whole test first: Take a minute to look over the exam and to see how it is structured and
  • Start with questions you feel confident about answering: It will help you relax to have a few solid answers before you start the more difficult material
  • Look over your whole test before turning it in: Review any answers you don’t feel confident about
  • Do a memory dump: If you’re allowed scrap paper or there are margins on your test sheet, quickly jot down things you are nervous about forgetting (definitions, formulas, etc). so you have them right in front of you.


  • Use your time wisely: Try not to get stuck on one question. For each question, do your best and move on. If you can go back to questions, you can review and edit before the end of the test. If you can’t go back (on some computerized tests), once you submit your answer don’t dwell on your answer; focus on the question in front of you.
  • It’s not a race: Read each question and the directions fully. Make sure you understand the question and what is being asked before you start answering. If you rush, you are more likely to make mistakes!
  • Stay positive: You worked your study plan and did your best to prepare! Feel good about the work you put into getting ready! There will be questions you don’t feel confident about- don’t let those questions derail you!