Stop searching and start finding. Search most of our resources at once and find what you need.
Use the EDS limiters to narrow down your results by selecting source types, subjects, date ranges and more. These limiters will be located on the left side of your results.
You can also use the Advanced Search to refine your search results.
The TX All Text option will give you more results by searching the full-text of the document for your search terms. Use caution with the other options in this list, they may not do what you think they should. For most searches, it's best not to select an option. Use the TX option when you don't get any or many results.
The Library has access to over 100 databases and sometimes it makes more sense to search some of them individually. You can pick a subject area to focus on or browse the entire list.
Try some of these databases to begin:
The automatic bibliography and citation maker.
EasyBib helps to create a Works Cited page with the option to save as a Google Doc or export into Word. Create an account with the website to save and store your bibliographies. Also, includes help with parenthetical (in-text) citations. NSCC Login required with coupon code NorthMA405.
Easybib works with most of our databases to format and create citations, follow the instructions listed above to get your citations into Easybib.
PLEASE NOTE: Easybib access will end at the end of May 2018.
Try Zotero to collect, organize and cite your sources. Download the software and browser add-on to cite all of your sources. Instructions are in the course Libguide.
Zotero works with most of our databases to format and create citations
In order to access the Library’s databases from off-campus, you must have a library activated NSCC ID. If you are on campus, stop by the Student Life Office in Danvers (DB 132) or Lynn (LW 171) with a current class schedule to get an ID. Bring your NSCC ID to the library circulation desk and we will activate it.
The fourteen digit barcode number on the bottom of your ID is your library card number. Enter this number when accessing databases off-campus. Your password is your birth date (mmddyyyy).
Newspapers can be a good source for information on your place because they cover local and regional topics.
The NSCC Libraries subscribe to news databases that contain more current articles (1980 - ).
For archival newspaper holdings, including local town or city papers, access may require visiting the local library and using their microform collections.
NSCC Research Databases:
Off campus access to the Library's research databases requires NSCC Authentication (pipeline username and password)
LexisNexis - search through current news articles from local and regional newspapers
Boston Globe - online from 1980 to present
Massachusetts History Online - articles from magazine, journal and newspaper sources related directly to Massachusetts history