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FFL100 - Nonprofit Organizations: About the Organization

National or International Organizations

Academic Search Premier is a large database of general and subject specific magazines and newspapers. Use this database to find articles if you are researching a national or international nonprofit organization.

  • Click on the Advanced Search Link. Select Company Entity from the select a field drop down menu. Limit to full text results.


  • Try combining a search on your organization with key terms like fundraising, history, etc... 

Local Organizations

Search the Boston Globe database of current and archived articles to find news information on a local organization.

  • TIP: Click on the Advanced Search Link. Select Company/Organization from the field code drop down menu. 

Library Catalog Search

Find books, ebooks, DVDs and streaming videos available through the NSCC Libraries and our partner libraries in HELM.

The Organization's Website

Your organization's website will be a rich source of information for your report.

Key areas on the website you will certainly want to look at include:

  • the "about us" or "who we are" section. This area should include the mission statement and history of the organization.
  • publications page for any financial or annual reports on your organization 


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