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Nutritional Science and Diet Technology : Citing and Plagiarism

APA Citation Style

APA (American Psychological Association) is most commonly used to cite sources within the sciences. Use this guide for the established rules, sample entries and formatting.

Citing Your Sources

When writing research papers it is important to cite all the resources you used. As you're conducting your research be sure to collect the citation information from each book, article, or Website you find. Whether you quote directly from one of these sources, or put the ideas in your own words you must cite it. If you don't cite correctly you could be found guilty of plagiarism.

Citations are easy to find in the Library's databases; many of which allow you to email the correctly formatted citation to yourself. Basic citation information includes the title of the work, author, publisher, date, and perhaps source. Use the citation templates to find what information you need to collect for your sources.

Citation Web Resources

Most health sciences disciplines use the APA citation style from the American Psychological Association. Check with your instructor for the preferred citation format.

Writing Help

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Plagiarism Resources