Our Boston Globe and Science (Proquest) databases are provided by Proquest. Citation formats provided include MLA, APA, Chicago, CSE, CBE, and more.
From the article, click on the "Citation" button to access the citation.
Click on the drop-down menu to select your citation style. You can copy the citation by highlighting the text and using the "right-click" on your mouse and selecting Copy from the menu or by pressing the Ctrl and C buttons at the same time. Paste the citation in your document to save.
The email option is one of the best ways to collect your sources. Not only will Proquest email you the formatted citation but you will also get a copy of the article and a link back to the source. This way you can email anything you think might be useful and decide later which sources you will use.
Click on the drop-down menu for "Citation Style" and choose the style you want. Fill in the form and send it to your email.
When you are ready to create your bibliography or "Works Cited" page, copy the citation from your email and paste it into your document.