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Faculty Toolkit

ILL & Materials Recommendations

The Library is committed to meeting all of the teaching and learning needs at NSCC.  Utilizing a variety of acquisition methods and resource sharing cooperatives,  we strive to get the information sources our faculty and students need into their hands quickly and efficiently.  We rely on faculty to help us identify  the information sources that are being assigned in the classroom and used by students to supplement their coursework.  Let us know what you need, and we will do our best to get it to you!

ILL & Materials Requests

Can’t find what you’re looking for at the library?

You’re not limited to what’s available at the North Shore Community College library. Read below for options on getting what you need.

Keep in mind you can contact a librarian at any step during this process for assistance.


Use the catalog to expand your search and check the entire HELM (Higher Ed Libraries of Massachusetts), an association of 7 Massachusetts college libraries in public higher education. Please allow 2-5 business days.

Commonwealth Catalog

Search the Commonwealth Catalog, also known as ComCat. For items not located within NSCC or HELM, the Commonwealth Catalog gives you access to millions of items from libraries that hold unique collections such as Boston Public Library and UMass Amherst and other academic, special and public libraries. Please allow 2-5 business days.

Interlibrary loan

For NSCC students, staff, and faculty only. You also have the option to request an item not located within HELM and ComCat. Complete the following forms, depending on whether you are requesting a book or journal article. Please allow a week.

Interlibrary loan article request

Interlibrary loan book request

Purchase request

You may also request that the NSCC Library purchase an item to add to our collection. Please complete the Purchase Request Form to request a purchase.