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Hawthorne at Salem

Buildings & Houses

Other Salem Houses

Other Salem Houses: Introduction

E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House
E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House(photography by Aaron Toleos)
Though far from an exhaustive list of the residences in Salem with architectural importance, this section of the Website includes examples of houses from the seventeentheighteenth, and nineteenth century, some of which have particular importance for Hawthorne. Others are important examples of architectural styles in Salem and offer a sense of Hawthorne's world.

Seventeenth Century Houses

Pickering House, 18 Broad St. at Pickering St. 
Built around 1651, this is Salem's oldest building in Salem and was continuously occupied by the Pickering family from 1651 until the late 20th century. The wooden structure was intially built with two rooms in two stories, but later was expanded to double this size, and changes were made in the mid-nineteenth century which reflect the Gothic Revival Style such as the Gothic cut-out fence with finial-capped posts which was constructed in 1841. On July 4, 1804, the day of Hawthorne's birth, John Pickering, the son of Timothy Pickering, gave the Independence Day oration at St. Peter's Church.

Retire Becket House, located on Becket St. in Hawthorne's time but now on the property of The House of the Seven Gables Historic Site
This house, built in 1655 for John Becket, the great-great grandfather of Retire Becket, a member of the famous Salem shipbuilding family, was originally located on Becket Street, next to the family shipyard. Originally the house consisted of a large living room on the first floor and a bedroom on the second. The house was later enlarged, perhaps when Becket's son married, and in 1682, a leanto was attached to the rear. The house passed down to Retire Beckett and then to two of his sisters, one of whom sold her half to the Eastern Marine Railway Company in 1850. The Railway Company razed this portion of the building and the chimney. In 1916 Caroline O. Emmerton, founder of the House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association, purchased this house, and in 1924 it was moved to its present site. Currently it houses the gift shop of The House of the Seven Gables Historic Site. The building that stands today is only half of the house owned by Retire Becket as one of the Becket sisters who inherited the house after her brother, Retire, died, sold her share to the Eastern Marine Railway Company who demolished it. An archway and leanto were added by Ms. Emmerton.

Peabody House (aka Grimshawe House), 53 Charter St.
Dr. Nathaniel Peabody, a dentist, bought this house in 1835 lived and lived there with his wife and daughter Sophia in 1837 when Hawthorne and his sisters first came to call on Sophia and her sisters, Elizabeth and Mary. It is also the house in which Grimshawe and his wards, Ned and Elsie reside in "Grimshawe" and where Dr. Dolliver and Pansie reside in the "The Dolliver Romance." Both are unfinished works of Hawthorne's last years. The house, built in 1673 by Bethiah Pickman, is currently owned by Dr. Berkley Peabody, a distant cousin of Sophia, and his wife, Joanna. Dr. Peabody is professor emeritus from SUNY, Albany and frequently gives lectures on Hawthorne in Salem.

Jonathan Corwin house, 310 ½ Essex St. at North St. 
Jonathan Corwin, a Salem merchant, purchased the house from Nathaniel Davenport of Boston in 1675. Davenport had never finished the construction of the house, so Corwin had the work completed. Corwin was living here in 1692 when he and John Hathorne served as the magistrates of Salem Town, issuing warrants for the arrest of those accused of witchcraft, and on the Court of Oyer and Terminer that sentenced accused witches to death. There is a tradition that some of the accused "witches" of the Salem hysteria were examined in the lower front room on the right, and today the house is known as the "Witch House." The house was unfinished when Corwin purchased it, but when completed, it had a central chimney plan, projecting two story front central porch, peaked gables, and a rear lean-to. Around 1746 Sarah Corwin, the widow of Jonathan Corwin's grandson, George, enlarged and remodeled the house in the Georgian Colonial style. The house was further altered between 1856 and 1885 when George P. Farrington, the owner, added a drugstore to the front. In 1945 Historic Salem purchased the property, saving it from being demolished, and had it restored.

Narbonne House, Essex St. 
Constructed in 1680, the Narbonne House is now owned by the Salem Maritime National Historic Site.

Samuel Pickman House, 20 Liberty St. at Charter
The exact date of construction of this house is unknown, but it was before 1681. The house was owned at this time by Samuel Pickman, a mariner. The house, restored in 1969, was a museum for a period after that, but today it houses offices.

Hooper-Hathaway House, 23 Washington St. in Hawthorne's time; now located on the property of the House of the Seven Gables Historic Site on Turner St. 
This house was built in 1682 for Benjamin Hooper, a cordwainer. It began as a single-room plan but was expanded in 1784 and in later years. The Hoopers sold the house to Henry Rust in 1795, who in turn sold it to the Gardner family. Around 1864, it was purchased by the Hathaways, who ran a bakery from the property. In 1911 the house was in danger of demolition, so Miss Caroline O. Emmerton purchased it and had it moved to the grounds of the House of the Seven Gables where it was restored and where it stands today.

Philip English House, English St., near Collins Cove Built in 1683 at the head of what is now English St., not far from Collins Cove, this house of many gables was thought by some to be the location of the house of Hawthorne's novel. Called "The Great House," it was considered the most lavish home in Salem of that time. Philip and his wife, Mary, lived here in 1692 when they were accused of witchcraft. Initially imprisoned in the Cart and Wheel Inn in Salem, they were moved to Boston in June and placed under house arrest after the intervention of friends. Allowed their freedom during the day in Boston because of their upper-class status, they fled on a ship to New York in August before their trial in Salem. A secret garret room that was discovered when the house was razed may have been built after Philip and Mary returned to Salem as a hiding place should it ever be needed.

John Ward House 38 St. Peter St. 
Originally at 38 St. Peter St. in Salem, the Ward house was acquired by the Essex Institute in 1910 and moved to its present site on the grounds of the Peabody Essex Museum. Built in 1684 by John Ward, it originally had a one-room plan and a projecting second story with a cross gable. By 1732 it had doubled in size and acquired two matching cross gables in front and a lean-to attached on the rear. It is generally regarded as one of New England's finest wood-frame-and-clapboard dwellings and is open to the public. Visitors see George Francis Dow's interpretation of First Period New England architecture, arts, and domestic life. Dow, an historian and preservationist, was the first to conceive of period rooms for museums and the first to use costumed guides at historic sites.


Eighteenth Century Houses

Crowninshield-Bentley House, 126 Essex St. 
Built in 1727-30 for sea captain and fish merchant John Crowninshield, this house was enlarged in 1761 and 1794. In 1959-60, the house was moved to its present location across from the Hawthorne Hotel, and modern additions, which had appeared over the years, were removed to restore the house to its eighteenth century appearance. This house is considered perhaps the finest example of Georgian Colonial architecture in Salem and is currently open to the public and maintained by the Peabody Essex Museum. It is noted for its symmetrical front elevation with reconstructed front and central doorway flanked by flat Doric pilasters.

From 1791-1818, Reverend Willliam Bentley, minister of East Church in Salem, was a boarder here. While living here, he wrote a large portion of his famous diaries, considered among the best sources of information about Salem life in this period. His diaries were published by the Essex Institute in 1900.

Richard Derby House (Derby-Ward House), 27 Herbert St, corner of Derby and Herbert Streets 
Elias H. Derby (1739-1799), a prosperous merchant of the eighteenth century, grew up in this house built for his father, Richard (1739 1799), a successful sea captain and ship owner, in 1738. The Wards purchased this house from the Derbys after the Revolutionary War and occupied the house well into the nineteenth century, but ownership after that is uncertain. In the Custom House chapter of The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne refers to E.H. Derby as "King Derby."

Derby House (built for Elias Hasket Derby by his father, Richard Derby, Sr.)
Derby House, 168 Derby St. on the grounds of the Salem Maritime National Historic Site. Built by Captain Richard Derby for his son, the prosperous merchant Elias Hasket Derby, in 1761-2 on the occasion of his marriage to Elizabeth Crowninshield, this is the oldest surviving brick house in Salem. It was later occupied by the Nichols, Prince, and Ropes families, other important Salem merchants. A fine example of Georgian Colonial architecture, it has fine brick detailing and a Tuscan Doric classical doorway with triangular pediment. In 1790 a kitchen ell was added. After falling into disrepair in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the house was purchased by the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities and restored. Further restorations have been completed by the National Park Service which has operated the property since 1938.

House of Charles Osgood, 13-15, Central St. 
Built in 1766, possibly for Joseph Scott, this wooden house next to the Essex Bank on Central Street, was later owned by Charles Osgood, who painted what is probably the most famous portrait of Hawthorne. The house was renovated in the 1970s during Salem's urban renewal.

Benjamin Hawkes House, Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Off Derby St. at 4 Custom House Court
This Federalist house, located between the Custom House and the Richard Derby house, was built in 1780 for Elias Hasket Derby but left unfinished as Derby decided instead to purchase the Pickman house on Washington St. The house was not completed until 1801 when it was purchased by Benjamin Hawkes, a boatbuilder, who produced the house that still stands today. The Hawkes house was restored in 1938-39 and again in 1959. Today it contains the offices of the Salem Maritime National Historic Site.

Peirce-Nichols House, 80 Federal St. 
This elegant house, built c. 1782, is one of the most outstanding examples of Federalist wooden residences in America. The house was first owned by Jerathmiel Peirce, a leather-dresser who became a prosperous merchant and who developed with Aaron Waitt one of the largest India trading companies in the U.S. When Peirce's daughter, Sally, married George Nichols in 1801, the house was remodeled in McIntire's later Adamesque style but it retains details of his Georgian style as well. The house was transferred to the ownership of George S. Johonnot in 1827, but in 1840 George Nichols inherited the house, and it remained in the Nichols family until 1917 when the Essex Institute purchased it.

Joshua Ward House, 148 Washington St. 
Constructed between 1784 and 1788, this house still possesses most of its original features and is Salem's oldest Federal high-style brick house. During the nineteenth century the house was referred to as the Washington Hotel as President George Washington stayed there one night in 1789.

Simon Forrester House at 188 Derby St., at the corner of Hodges Court 
The house has been significantly altered from the original, believed to have been designed by Samuel McIntire around 1790 and purchased in the process of its construction by Simon Forrester, a prosperous merchant, in 1791. The house is located next door to the Custom House and was convenient to the Central Wharf. Significant alterations have been made in the house since World War I resulting the removal of many of its original architectural details.

Forrester, of Scotch Irish ancestry, was brought to the U.S. by Captain Daniel Hathorne (1731-1796), Hawthorne's grandfather, who married Rachel Phelps

. Forrester became wealthy during the Revolutionary War, but his reputation is tainted by stories of his alcoholism.

Joseph Felt House, 113 Federal St.
This house was constructed in 1794-5 for Joseph Felt and occupied by the Felt family for many years. In The Salem World of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Margaret B. Moore discusses Joseph Barlow Felt's and Bentley's different views on the presence of Indians in the Salem area and the theory that links the witchcraft hysteria of 1692 to the fear of Indians.

Bott-Fabens House, 18 Chestnut St. at Botts Court 
The date of construction of this house is uncertain, but it may have been built before 1800 and thus be the oldest house on Chestnut Street. Chestnut Street was created in 1796, but the house could have been built before this with access from Essex St. The house was originally owned by James B. Bott, owner of a saddle shop. Hawthorne lived here briefly in 1846-47 while working at the Salem Custom House. In 1888 Augustus J. and Benjamin H. Fabens purchased the house and moved the main entrance from the west side to the south end of the house.


Nineteenth Century Houses

Cook-Oliver House, 142 Federal St. 
Built in 1802-3 for Captain Samuel Cook, this masterpiece of early nineteenth century architecture is an important and innovative example of Adamesque Federal wooden homes. It is an undisputed example of Samuel McIntire's (1757-1811) work. A three-story residence, it features a low hip roof, molded window frames, a second story horizontal belt course. The central entrance features sidelights and a semi-elliptical fanlight; the doorway is decorated with Doric columns. The house is behind McIntire's finest surviving wooden fence which is adorned with details similar to those on the entrance. Cook's son-in-law, Henry K. Oliver, Hawthorne's contemporary who later became mayor of Salem, lived here with his family and composed the hymn "Federal Street" here.

Benjamin W. Crowninshield House, 180 Derby St. at Orange 
Built in 1810-12, this large Federal brick mansion was built for Benjamin W. Crowninshield, a member of a merchant family, and a U.S. congressman and secretary of the navy under Presidents James Madison and James Monroe. Monroe stayed here in 1817 while visiting Salem, and General James Miller lived here while serving as collector at the Custom House from 1825-29. Miller is one of the Custom House employees referred to by Hawthorne in the Custom House sketch. In 1906 and 1916, this house was expanded considerably. Today this house is a home for aged women, a purpose it has served since 1861, as noted in the inscription on a panel in the front wall between the second and third stories.

Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St. 
Salem merchant John Gardner, Jr., built the house in 1804-5, and in 1811, because of financial difficulties, sold the house to Nathaniel West who sold the house three years later to Joseph White. It is here where Captain Joseph White lived and was murdered in April 1830, an event that shook the town of Salem and one which intrigued Hawthorne. Some scholars see the influence of this trial on The House of the Seven Gables, and some also believe it influenced "Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe."

In 1834, the house was sold to David Pingree, and the ownership of the house remained in the Pingree family until 1933 when it was donated by the Pingree heirs to the Essex Institute. With its lovely details and proportions, this dwelling is considered to be a superb example of American Adamesque Federal town houses and perhaps the best example in New England. Many scholars believe the house was designed by Samuel McIntire and consider it to be his finest mature work. Details consistent with McIntire's work are the symmetrical rectangular façade wooden roof balustrade and an elaborate semicircular portico entrance with Corinthian columns and pilasters.

Joseph Waters house (later Bertram Home for Aged Men), 114 Derby St. and Turner 
Built in 1806-1807 as a residence for Captain Joseph Waters, this building now serves as the office for the House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association. This photograph was taken in 1891 by Frank Cousins. After 1929 the house was changed significantly.

Robinson-Little House, 10 Chestnut St. at Cambridge
This brick Federal home with Greek Revival front entrance was built c. 1808-1809 for a Salem merchant, Nathan Robinson. Robinson lived in the house until the mid 1830s, after which the Choates, Neals, and Fabens families occupied the house.

Forrester-Peabody House, 29 Washington Square North at Mall St 
This Federal residence was built in 1818-19 for John Forrester, son of the merchant, Simon Forrester. Forrester and his family occupied the house until 1834 when it was purchased by Col. George Peabody who added the one-story ballroom wing and the three-story bay in the large north ell. Later the building housed the Salem Club, a men's social club, and the Bertram Home for Aged Men. Captain John Bertram, who became wealthy through maritime trade and the railroads and was one of Salem's chief benefactors, funded the Home for Aged Men.

John Tucker Daland house, 132 Essex St. 
This house was built in 1851-2 for John Tucker Daland, a wealthy merchant. Daland and his family occupied the house until 1885 when the Essex Institute acquired it as a permanent home. Currently the Daland House is part of the Phillips Library.

Literature Related to Other Salem Houses

E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House
E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House (photography by Aaron Toleos)
    • Elias H. Derby (1739-1799), a prosperous merchant of the eighteenth century, grew up in the house at 27 Herbert St. (Richard Derby House/Derby-Ward House) built for his father, Richard (1739-1799), a successful sea captain and ship owner, in 1738. In the Custom House chapter of The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne refers to E.H. Derby as "King Derby." (courtesy of the Ohio State University Press)
    • The Simon Forrester House at 188 Derby St. at the corner of Hodges Court was the home of Simon Forrester, a prosperous merchant, in 1791. The house is located next door to the Custom House and was convenient to the Central Wharf. Forrester, of Scotch Irish ancestry, was brought to the U.S. by Captain Daniel Hathorne (1731-1796), Hawthorne's grandfather, who married Rachel Phelps, Nathaniel's first cousin. Forrester became wealthy during the Revolutionary War, but his reputation is tainted by stories of his alcoholism. Hawthorne inserts Forrester into The Custom-House Sketch, calling him "old Simon Forrester." (courtesy of the Ohio State University Press)
  • "Grimshawe" and "The Dolliver Romance" The Peabody House (aka Grimshawe House) at 53 Charter St. is where Grimshawe and his wards, Ned and Elsie reside in "Grimshawe" and where Dr. Dolliver and Pansie reside in the "The Dolliver Romance." Both are unfinished works of Hawthorne's last years.
  • The House of the Seven Gables
    • The Philip English House, built in 1683 at the head of what is now English St., not far from Collins Cove, was a house of many gables thought by some to be the house of Hawthorne's novel, The House of the Seven Gables. Called "The Great House," it was considered the most lavish home in Salem of that time. Philip and his wife, Mary, lived here in 1692 when they were accused of witchcraft. Initially imprisoned in the Cart and Wheel Inn in Salem, they were moved to Boston in June and placed under house arrest after the intervention of friends. Allowed their freedom during the day in Boston because of their upper-class status, they fled on a ship to New York in August before their trial in Salem. A secret garret room that was discovered when the house was razed may have been built after Philip and Mary returned to Salem as a hiding place should it ever be needed.
    • The Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St., was built by Salem merchant John Gardner, Jr., in 1804-5, and in 1811, because of financial difficulties, he sold the house to Nathaniel West who sold the house three years later to Joseph White. It is here where Captain Joseph White lived and was murdered in April 1830, an event that shook the town of Salem and one which intrigued Hawthorne. Some scholars see the influence of this trial on The House of the Seven Gables.
  • "Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe" Some scholars believe that the murder of Captain Joseph White (1748-1830) and the subsequent trial also influenced Hawthorne's writing of "Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe." Captain White was murdered in the Gardner-Pingree House at 128 Essex St. where he lived.

Images of Other Houses in Salem

Some of the images are contemporary photographs taken by various photographers working on the Hawthorne project. Many photographs are by Dr. Bryant F. Tolles, Jr., Director of Museum Studies, University of Delaware, and author of Architecture in Salem (Salem: Essex Institute, 1983. We are very grateful to Dr. Tolles and to the Peabody Essex Museum, where the collection of photographs is housed, for allowing us to use these images on our Website. Other images are turn-of-the-century postcards or drawings; some are from the Peabody Essex Museum or Salem Maritime National Historic Site, and others are from private collections. 

Seventeenth Century Houses Eighteenth Century Houses Nineteenth Century Houses



Seventeenth Century Houses

Postcard from 1905 of The Pickering House in Salem, MA, built in 1660
Postcard from 1905 of The Pickering House in Salem, MA, built in 1660 
Built around 1651, this is Salem's oldest building and was continuously occupied by the Pickering family from 1651 until the late 20th century. The wooden structure was intially built with two rooms in two stories, but later was expanded to double this size, and changes were made in the mid-nineteenth century which reflect the Gothic Revival Style such as the Gothic cut-out fence with finial-capped posts which was constructed in 1841. On July 4, 1804, the day of Hawthorne's birth, John Pickering, the son of Timothy Pickering, gave the Independence Day oration at St. Peter's Church. (special thanks to Margaret B. Moore)
Pickering House, 18 Broad St. at Pickering St.
Pickering House, 18 Broad St. at Pickering St.
Built around 1651, this is Salem's oldest building and was continuously occupied by the Pickering family from 1651 until the late 20th century. The wooden structure was intially built with two rooms in two stories, but later was expanded to double this size, and changes were made in the mid-nineteenth century which reflect the Gothic Revival Style such as the Gothic cut-out fence with finial-capped posts which was constructed in 1841. On July 4, 1804, the day of Hawthorne's birth, John Pickering, the son of Timothy Pickering, gave the Independence Day oration at St. Peter's Church. (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Retire Becket House on the property of The House of the Seven Gables in Salem
Retire Becket House on the property of The House of the Seven Gables in Salem
In 1916 Caroline O. Emmerton, founder of the House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association, purchased this house, and in 1924 it was moved to its present site. Currently it houses the gift shop of the House of the Seven Gables Historic Site. The building that stands today is only half of the house owned by Retire Becket as one of the Becket sisters who inherited the house after her brother, Retire, died, sold her share to the Eastern Marine Railway Company who demolished it. An archway and leanto were added by Ms. Emmerton. (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
The Peabody House,aka the Grimshawe house, 53 Charter St., next to The Burying Point in Salem.
The Peabody House,aka the Grimshawe house, 53 Charter St., next to The Burying Point in Salem.
Dr. Nathaniel Peabody and his wife, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, moved here with their daughters in 1835. It was here in 1837 that Hawthorne met Sophia Peabody, who would become his wife. In 1840 the Peabodys moved to Boston.  (photography by Bruce Hibbard)
Postcard, probably c. 1900, of the Jonathan Corwin House, called the \"Old Witch House,\" 310 1/2 Essex St. at North St. in Salem, MA
Postcard, probably c. 1900, of the Jonathan Corwin House, called the "Old Witch House," 310 1/2 Essex St. at North St. in Salem, MA
Jonathan Corwin, a Salem merchant, purchased the house from Nathaniel Davenport of Boston in 1675. Davenport had never finished the construction of the house, so Corwin had the work completed. Corwin was living here in 1692 when he and John Hathorne served as the magistrates of Salem Town, issuing warrants for the arrest of those accused of witchcraft, and on the Court of Oyer and Terminer that sentenced accused witches to death. There is a tradition that some of the accused "witches" of the Salem hysteria were examined in the lower front room on the right, and today the house is know as the "Witch House." The house was unfinished when Corwin purchased it, but when completed, it had a central chimney plan, projecting two-story front central porch, peaked gables, and a rear lean-to. Around 1746 Sarah Corwin, the widow of Jonathan Corwin's grandson, George, enlarged and remodeled the house in the Georgian Colonial style. The house was further altered between 1856 and 1885 when George P. Farrington, the owner, added a drugstore to the front. In 1945 Historic Salem purchased the property, saving it from being demolished, and had it restored. (special thanks to Margaret B. Moore)
Jonathan Corwin House, 310 1/2 Essex St. at North St.
Jonathan Corwin House, 310 1/2 Essex St. at North St.
Jonathan Corwin, a Salem merchant, purchased the house from Nathaniel Davenport of Boston in 1675. Davenport had never finished the construction of the house, so Corwin had the work completed. Corwin was living here in 1692 when he and John Hathorne served as the magistrates of Salem Town, issuing warrants for the arrest of those accused of witchcraft, and on the Court of Oyer and Terminer that sentenced accused witches to death. There is a tradition that some of the accused "witches" of the Salem hysteria were examined in the lower front room on the right, and today the house is know as the "Witch House." The house was unfinished when Corwin purchased it, but when completed, it had a central chimney plan, projecting two-story front central porch, peaked gables, and a rear lean-to. Around 1746 Sarah Corwin, the widow of Jonathan Corwin's grandson, George, enlarged and remodeled the house in the Georgian Colonial style. The house was further altered between 1856 and 1885 when George P. Farrington, the owner, added a drugstore to the front. In 1945 Historic Salem purchased the property, saving it from being demolished, and had it restored. (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Jonathan Corwin House (The Witch House, 310 1/2 Essex Street at North Street
Jonathan Corwin House (The Witch House, 310 1/2 Essex Street at North Street
Jonathan Corwin, a Salem merchant, purchased the house from Nathaniel Davenport of Boston in 1675. Davenport had never finished the construction of the house, so Corwin had the work completed. Corwin was living here in 1692 when he and John Hathorne served as the magistrates of Salem Town, issuing warrants for the arrest of those accused of witchcraft, and on the Court of Oyer and Terminer that sentenced accused witches to death. There is a tradition that some of the accused "witches" of the Salem hysteria were examined in the lower front room on the right, and today the house is know as the "Witch House." The house was unfinished when Corwin purchased it, but when completed, it had a central chimney plan, projecting two-story front central porch, peaked gables, and a rear lean-to. Around 1746 Sarah Corwin, the widow of Jonathan Corwin's grandson, George, enlarged and remodeled the house in the Georgian Colonial style. The house was further altered between 1856 and 1885 when George P. Farrington, the owner, added a drugstore to the front. In 1945 Historic Salem purchased the property, saving it from being demolished, and had it restored.  (photography by Bruce Hibbard)
Samuel Pickman House, 20 Liberty at Charter St.
Samuel Pickman House, 20 Liberty at Charter St.
Hooper-Hathaway House, Grounds of the House of the Seven Gables Historic Site, 54 Turner St.
(special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Hooper-Hathaway House, Grounds of the House of the Seven Gables Historic Site, 54 Turner St. (special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Originally at 23 Washington St., this 17th century house was built for Benjamin Hooper as a single room and expanded in 1784. The Hooper family sold the property in 1795, and the property was sold again c. 1864 to the Hathaways who used it for their bakery business. Caroline O. Emmerton purchased the house in 1911 to save it from being razed and moved it to its current location on the grounds of the House of the Seven Gables. (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
The Old John Ward House
The Old John Ward House
Postcard c. 1900 of the Old John Ward House, 38 St. Peter St. in Salem, built in 1684 by John Ward. It has a projecting second story and a lean-to roof. 
Roses in bloom in front of John Ward House that are typical of what would have appeared in front of buildings in Hester Prynne's time.
The John Ward House is located on Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) and was built after 1684.
Roses in bloom in front of John Ward House that are typical of what would have appeared in front of buildings in Hester Prynne's time. The John Ward House is located on Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) and was built after 1684. 
In December 1684 John Ward, a currier, purchased the land at 38 St. Peter St. and had a one-room-plan house with steep-pitched roof and overhang constructed. After his death in 1732, the house was enlarged. In 1910 the Essex Institute purchased the house, restored it, and moved it to its present location on Brown St. The house is open to visitors and offers a glimpse into life in 17th-century New England.  
John Ward House, Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) built after 1684
John Ward House, Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) built after 1684
This is one of the best examples of 17th century wood-frame-and-and clapboard houses in New England. In December 1684 John Ward, a currier, purchased the land at 38 St. Peter St. and had a one-room-plan house with steep-pitched roof and overhang constructed. After his death in 1732, the house was enlarged. In 1910 the Essex Institute purchased the house, restored it, and moved it to its present location on Brown St. The house is open to visitors and offers a glimpse into life in 17th-century New England. 
The Ward House Great Room
The Ward House Great Room
An interior typical of the room in which Hester Prynne met with the Governor and ministers. 
Great Room in John Ward House
Great Room in John Ward House
This photograph of the Great Room in the John Ward House shows the beams and the low ceiling typical of a seventeenth century house. This is the type of room in which Hester Prynne would have met with the governor and ministers. 
The Great Room of the John Ward House
The Great Room of the John Ward House
This photograph shows the rope bed and diamond-case window in the Great Room of the John Ward House. The windows reflect the lattice pattern described of those in the Governor's hall as described by Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter 
Swift in the Great Room of the John Ward House
Swift in the Great Room of the John Ward House
This was used to wind yarn from a spinning wheel. (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
Sideboard with pewterware in Great Room of John Ward House
Sideboard with pewterware in Great Room of John Ward House
These furnishings in the John Ward House are typical of those that would have been found in the Governor's Hall and in the widow's house in which Dimmesdale and Chillingworth lived. 
John Ward House, Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) built after 1684
John Ward House, Brown St. opposite Howard, (originally at 38 St. Peter St.) built after 1684 
This is one of the best examples of 17th century wood-frame-and-and clapboard houses in New England. In December 1684 John Ward, a currier, purchased the land at 38 St. Peter St. and had a one-room-plan house with steep-pitched roof and overhang constructed. After his death in 1732, the house was enlarged. In 1910 the Essex Institute purchased the house, restored it, and moved it to its present location on Brown St. The house is open to visitors and offers a glimpse into life in 17th-century New England.  
The Marston House, Salem
The Marston House, Salem
Sidney Perley tells us that "in 1680, Benjamin Marston built a fine large house on the western corner of Essex and Cambridge streets; and, Feb. 24, 1701-2, for two hundred and ninety pounds, conveyed it with the land to James Menzies, who had recently moved from Boston to Salem. Through a mortgage, the estate became the property of Philip English. John Touzell lived in the house in 1754, when he conveyed one-half of it to William Hathorne and wife Mary and widow Susannah Hathorne. It remained in the families of English some time, and, when it belonged to the Hathornes, about 1814, they built the house out to the Essex Street line. The engraving shows the end of the original house and the new front." (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)

Daniel Epes House, Salem (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)

Eighteenth Century Houses

Crowninshield-Bentley House, 126 Essex St. at Washington Square West, 1727-30
Crowninshield-Bentley House, 126 Essex St. at Washington Square West, 1727-30
Crowninshield-Bentley House Built in 1727-30 for sea captain and fish merchant John Crowninshield, this house was enlarged in 1761 and 1794. In 1959-60, the house was moved to its present location across from the Hawthorne Hotel, and modern additions, which had appeared over the years, were removed to restore the house to its eighteenth century appearance. This house is considered perhaps the finest example of Georgian Colonial architecture in Salem and is currently open to the public and maintained by the Peabody Essex Museum. It is noted for its symmetrical front elevation with reconstructed front and central doorway flanked by flat Doric pilasters. 
House at 27 Herbert Street in Salem where the merchant, Elias Hasket Derby (1739-1799), grew up.
House at 27 Herbert Street in Salem where the merchant, Elias Hasket Derby (1739-1799), grew up. 
In the Custom House chapter of The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne refers to E.H. Derby as "King Derby." 
Richard Derby House (Derby-Ward House), 27 Herbert St., coirner of Derby and Herbert Streets, Salem
Richard Derby House (Derby-Ward House), 27 Herbert St., coirner of Derby and Herbert Streets, Salem
Elias H. Derby (1739-1799), a prosperous merchant of the eighteenth century, grew up in this house built in 1738 for his father, Richard, a successful sea captain and ship owner. The Wards purchased this house from the Derbys after the Revolutionary War and occupied the house well into the nineteenth century, but ownership after that is uncertain. In the Custom House chapter of The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne refers to E.H. Derby as "King Derby." (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Essex Bank Building, 11 Central St., (1811)
Essex Bank Building, 11 Central St., (1811)
Joseph Felt House, 113 Federal St.
Joseph Felt House, 113 Federal St.
This three-story early Salem Federal residence was built in 1794/5 for Joseph Felt, housewright and farmer.  (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
Peirce-Nichols House, 80 Federal St., Salem
Peirce-Nichols House, 80 Federal St., Salem
Peirce-Nichols House This elegant house, built c. 1782, is one of the most outstanding examples of Federalist wooden residences in America. The house was first owned by Jerathemiel Peirce, a leather-dresser who became a prosperous merchant and who developed with Aaron Waitt one of the largest India trading companies in the U.S. When Peirce's daughter, Sally, married George Nichols in 1801, the house was remodeled in McIntire's later Adamesque style, but it retains details of his Georgian style as well. The house was transferred to the ownership of George S. Johonnot in 1827, but in 1840 George Nichols inherited the house, and it remained in the Nichols family until 1917 when the Essex Institute purchased it. (courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum; special thanks to Bryant F. Tolles, Jr.)
18 Chestnut Street at corner of Botts Court, Salem
18 Chestnut Street at corner of Botts Court, Salem
Exterior of 18 Chestnut Street (Bott-Fabin house) where Hawthorne lived from 1846-49 while working as surveyor at the Salem Custom House. (photography by Lou Procopio)
18 Chestnut St., Salem, side view
18 Chestnut St., Salem, side view
Side view of 18 Chestnut St., Salem, where Hawthorne lived from 1846-1849 while working as surveyor at the Salem Custom House (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
Entry of 18 Chestnut St., Salem
Entry of 18 Chestnut St., Salem
Entry of 18 Chestnut St. in Salem where Hawthorne lived from 1846-49 while working as surveyor at the Salem Custom House (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
View of Bott-Fabin House, 18 Chestnut St. in Salem from Bott's Court
View of Bott-Fabin House, 18 Chestnut St. in Salem from Bott's Court
Hawthorne lived at 18 Chestnut St. from 1846-49 while working as surveyor at the Salem Custom House. (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)

Bott-Fabens House 

Nineteenth Century Houses

Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St., 1804-5
Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St., 1804-5
Salem merchant John Gardner, Jr., built the house in 1804-5, and in 1811, because of financial difficulties, sold the house to Nathaniel West who sold the house three years later to Joseph White. It is here where Captain Joseph White lived and was murdered in April 1830, an event that shook the town of Salem and one which intrigued Hawthorne and which he wrote about in "Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe." In 1834, the house was sold to David Pingree, and the ownership of the house remained in the Pingree family until 1933 when it was donated by the Pingree heirs to the Essex Institute. With its lovely details and proportions, this dwelling is considered to be a superb example of American Adamesque Federal town houses and perhaps the best example in New England. Many scholars believe the house was designed by Samuel McIntire and consider it to be his finest mature work. Details consistent with McIntire's work are the symmetrical rectangular facade wooden roof balustrade and an elaborate semicircular portico entrance with Corinthian columns and pilasters. (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St., 1804-5, photographed in 2003
Gardner-Pingree House, 128 Essex St., 1804-5, photographed in 2003 
Salem merchant John Gardner, Jr., built the house in 1804-5, and in 1811, because of financial difficulties, sold the house to Nathaniel West who sold the house three years later to Joseph White. It is here where Captain Joseph White lived and was murdered in April 1830, an event that shook the town of Salem and one which intrigued Hawthorne and which he wrote about in "Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe." In 1834, the house was sold to David Pingree, and the ownership of the house remained in the Pingree family until 1933 when it was donated by the Pingree heirs to the Essex Institute. With its lovely details and proportions, this dwelling is considered to be a superb example of American Adamesque Federal town houses and perhaps the best example in New England. Many scholars believe the house was designed by Samuel McIntire and consider it to be his finest mature work. Details consistent with McIntire's work are the symmetrical rectangular facade wooden roof balustrade and an elaborate semicircular portico entrance with Corinthian columns and pilasters. (photography by Bruce Hibbard)
Joseph Waters House (later the Bertram Home for Aged Men)114 Derby and Turner Sts., Salem
Joseph Waters House (later the Bertram Home for Aged Men)114 Derby and Turner Sts., Salem
 (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
Robinson-Little House, 10 Chestnut St. at Cambridge (c. 1808-9)
Robinson-Little House, 10 Chestnut St. at Cambridge (c. 1808-9)
his brick Federal home with Greek Revival front entrance was built c. 1808-1809 for a Salem merchant, Nathan Robinson. Robinson lived in the house until the mid 1830s, after which the Choates, Neals, and Fabens families occupied the house.  (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)

Forrester-Peabody House 
John  Tucker Daland house, the east portion of the former Essex Institute
John Tucker Daland house, the east portion of the former Essex Institute
The John Tucker Daland house was built in 1851/2 for a wealthy Salem merchant. Daland and his family lived in the house until 1885 when the Essex Institute purchased the house. When Plummer Hall (erected in 1856-7)was also purchased by the Essex Institute in 1906, the Daland house was attached to it by a Renaissance Revival section. (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)
\"Doorways of Salem\" from Perley's <I/>The History of Salem, Massachusetts.</I>
"Doorways of Salem" from Perley's The History of Salem, Massachusetts.
This illustration gives examples of Salem's outstanding architectural heritage of Federal style design.  (courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA)

Critical Commentary Related to Other Salem Houses

E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House
E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House (photography by Aaron Toleos)

Websites Related to Other Salem Houses

E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House
E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House (photography by Aaron Toleos)

Activities Relating to Other Houses in Salem

E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House
E.H. Derby House, 168 Derby St., next to the Salem Custom House (photography by Aaron Toleos)

1. Ideas for teachers and students using A Field Guide to Salem’s Architecture (see page 25), project by Mark Lorenz for Topics in American Studies, Salem State College (courtesy of )