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Hawthorne at Salem

Biographical Information

Websites Related to Hawthorne's Early Life


Silhouette of Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1825(?)
from <I>Portraits of Nathaniel Hawthorne: An Iconography</I> by Rita Gollin
Silhouette of Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1825(?) from Portraits of Nathaniel Hawthorne: An Iconography by Rita Gollin (courtesy of Northern Illinois UP)


Hawthorne Community Association, Raymond, Maine

This site provides information about the house in Raymond, Maine where Hawthorne spent time as a boy and information about current and past events sponsored by the Association. It also provides links to articles related to Hawthorne's life in Raymond, Maine.


"Yesterdays with Authors" by James T. Fields. 

Fields was one of Hawthorne's publishers and wrote the article around 1870, based on a conversation he had with Hawthorne about ten years earlier. In the article, Fields describes Raymond, Maine and its importance to Hawthorne.

Salem in 1800: A Sample of the Range of Meanings Applied to One Place at One Time

Project by Margaret Warren for Topics in American Studies, Salem State College (courtesy of ). Read about life in Salem around the time of Hawthorne’s birth in 1804.


Bicentennial Exhibit/Peabody Essex Museum

Includes interactive exhibit on the seven issues of 

The Spectator that Hawthorne published for his family from August 21, 1820 to September 25, 1820