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Hawthorne at Salem

Biographical Information

Critical Commentary Related to Hawthorne's Early Life

Silhouette of Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1825(?)
from <I>Portraits of Nathaniel Hawthorne: An Iconography</I> by Rita Gollin
Silhouette of Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1825(?) from Portraits of Nathaniel Hawthorne: An Iconography by Rita Gollin (courtesy of Northern Illinois UP)

Excerpt from Brenda Wineapple's Hawthorne: A Life on Hawthorne's childhood injury (courtesy of Alfred A. Knopf) pp. 26-27
          On the psychology of Hawthorne's foot injury and the effect of the
          injury on activities in his early adolescence

Excerpt from "Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Morning of His Life His Boyhood Years and Emergence as an Artist Part One. Images: The Worlds of Hawthorne's Childhood" by Dr. Melinda Ponder, September, 1981, an essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master's degree in American Studies at Boston College (courtesy of Dr. Melinda Ponder) 
          On Nathaniel's arrival at his Uncle Richard's house in Raymond, Maine

Excerpt from "Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Morning of His Life His Boyhood Years and Emergence as an Artist Part One. Images: The Worlds of Hawthorne's Childhood" by Dr. Melinda Ponder, September, 1981, an essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master's degree in American Studies at Boston College (courtesy of Dr. Melinda Ponder) 
          On Hawthorne's idyllic life as a child in Raymond, Maine

Excerpt from Brenda Wineapple's Hawthorne: A Life on The Spectator (courtesy of Alfred A. Knopf) pp. 41-42 
          On Hawthorne's adolescent creation in the summer of 1820, a family newspaper entitled The Spectator